A Unit of : ACE Educational Services PVT.LTD
Registered Under Taken by Ministry of Corporate Affairs,Govt. of India.
The Corporate Identity Number is U85500JH2023PTC020957
Registered under Taken by Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises
An ISO 9001: 2015 Certified Organization
Website :- www.itace.in
Session of Examination
ATC Code
Reporting Time
Exam Date
Admit Card Serial No.
Course Code
Course Name
Admission No.
Roll No. for Examination Centre
Date of Birth
Name of Candidate
Aadhaar Number
Name of Father
Name of Mother
Authorised Training Centre Name (ATC)
Examination Venue
Signature Centre Head ATC :-
1.The candidate should ascertain exact location of the venue will in advance of the date of examination.
2.The actual examination will start at the time given in the schedule. You should be present in your seat half an hour before the actual
time of examination.
3.Candidate arriving late will not be admitted.
4.You must follow instructions given by the test administrator and the invigilator of the examination. Candidate found violating these
instructions will be disqualified and may be asked to leave the examination.
5.The test booklet and answer sheet supplied by project office of ACE to the candidate mustbe returned infect to the invigilator.
Anyone try to take them away or found in unauthorised positions of these liable to be punished.
6.You have to use only black ball pen (dot pen) in the examination.
7.Mobile Phone/Tablet/Laptop/Digital Watch/Pager Device are strictly prohibited.
8.Deposit your mobile/other device before entering examination hall at Helpdesk Counter.
9.The result of Examination will be available on our website www.itace.in after 15 days of Examination.